

This project is no longer in use! We use TiddlyWiki and Trilium Notes instead.

Obsidian is software for making a knowledge base out of interlinkable markdown files. It's known for its efficient editor and pretty graphs.

Like TiddlyWiki, its documentation can also double as a demo. Obsidian isn't made to be a website, so its documentation is a view-only website generated with Obsidian Publish.

Our Vault

For us, Obsidian is where we process information and dump ideas. It's where we practice avoiding the Collector's Fallacy.

Until we merge the contents, the information, ideas, and thoughts of other people into our own knowledge, we haven’t really learned a thing. We don’t change ourselves if we don’t learn, so merely filing things away doesn’t lead us anywhere.

Currently, we're attempting to sort our notes with a map of contents (like a table of contents in no particular order so the interlinking and graphing speak for themselves) and the Universal Decimal Classification. It may or may not work out, but it's an interesting process to learn.