Setting up an RSS reader and eBook manager we're happy with is difficult, it turns out.

We used Thunderbird but it didn't feel very comfortable to use often. It felt cluttered and tedious to go through every update because of the amount of things we used it to keep track of. Email support and notifications were nice, and it was the reason we started using Thunderbird instead of Feedbro for Firefox, but we already have so much open on a regular basis that remembering to open Thunderbird felt more tedious than it was worth considering how rarely we actually write emails throughout the day. It still works as an email program and calendar but the feeds were too much. We're trying out Fraidycat for RSS feeds but the inability to see entry descriptions makes it difficult to choose what to view even if its sorting attempts to make feeds less overwhelming. An inbox view that can be opened to preview a feed entry before opening its link might work better for us, but we also might just be used to that. It looks like more detailed post previews have been considered and may come in the future. We wouldn't give up Fraidycat's sorting for another reader with previews so this is what we're using for now.

The sorting style seems to be working better for us so far because it prevents any one feed from taking over our reader or notifications. A couple of Tumblr blogs took over our Thunderbird feed list with reblogged posts but Fraidycat only lets them take up the same amount of space as every other feed. Thunderbird allows for feeds to be put into folders but Tumblr blogs would still be updated more often and give more notification badges. Filtering out reblogs wouldn't work because that would remove discussions. Fraidycat's lack of previews makes it hard to tell when something has been added to or not but it doesn't feel as tiring to choose what to look at instead of following notifcations. Fraidycat also makes the original poster's nametag stand out in the item title, so it's easy to tell at a glance when something is a reblog. We originally started using Fraidycat as a standalone program because we're somewhat used to Thunderbird and weren't worried about syncing across devices, but now we're using it as a browser add-on like we were for Feedbro. Using a browser add-on has the bonus of making it easier to add feeds detected on a website.

The other thing we've been customizing is calibre. We "use" calibre, but we don't really use calibre. We save calibre-compatible files in a folder as backups of things and read the original copies on the internet instead. calibre sorts the files for us when we remember to enter them but other than that we've avoided using it. Customizing calibre seems far easier than trying to find something else to use. Calibre-Web does look interesting but we don't feel like setting something like that up right now. The calibre reader is very barebones but we've been able to make it comfortable enough with CSS styling. The theme we're using is BLZ-1.

It turns out that Archive of Our Own saves EPUB files with the text set to a serif font and calibre couldn't overwrite it with the "default font" setting. We unzipped a file to read the stylesheet and put the divs under calibre's stylesheet with a sans-serif font. It seems odd, since AO3 doesn't put a serif font on the main text in its default site skin. The summary and notes are .userstuff, the titles of chapter notes are .userstuff1, and the main text is .userstuff2.

In the same vein of customizing our interfaces for keeping track of things, we got Neovim. We've used Vim before but it has been a while. Using it to edit the website feels nice. It's a challenge to learn but it's fun so far. Before this we were using the Neocities editor for everything on the main site, hence the relatively large update number on our profile. The blog was being edited in Notepad++. The ability to easily open so many files in tabs led us to get distracted with multiple blog drafts and other files we had opened for some reason and never closed. By comparison, the simplified appearance of Vim makes it feel more natural to use alongside other programs. We're currently listening to a podcast and browsing links to put in Things. That handles our drifting to distractions so the only file we're working on is the blog draft.

Of course, we've been grabbing things to put in our vimrc file. We set up a shortcut to open the vimrc file in a new window, as well as a shortcut for someone's note-taking journal. "jk" is our alternative for ESC from insert mode ("jj" was considered but "jk" felt more fitting for the purpose). When opened without a specific file, our last open file will be opened. Spellcheck is on, which Notepad++ can have but we didn't have it or even think about it. We used to occasionally copy parts of our blog posts into LibreOffice Writer for a quick spellcheck but we usually forgot about it. The one part of Notepad++ we miss is the ability to drag and drop text because we're not used to jumping enough for keyboard navigation to be faster than mouse navigation. We're currently using Neovim for editing the HTML in general while Notepad++ is used for only writing and quick CSS comparisons.

The biggest reason Vim is currently working for editing this blog post is emmet-vim. It makes generating the lists much easier, especially the ones in Things. "ul›li*5›a" and a shortcut is enough to generate a list ready for 5 links. We found other plugins we want to use but emmet-vim is the only one we've used so far. That doesn't include color schemes, we use Iceberg and we have Nord as an alternative.

HTML, markdown and Vim files are the only things we've used Vim on so far. Trying something that is both long and something we're less familiar with will probably be much more difficult to learn. It would be a good chance to learn more about Vim, though.

We used to enjoy taking personality tests but we stopped trying to collect results since they would never be consistent (for probably obvious reasons). For a time after that we tried improving our typing, which is why it's something more universal among us. The little results box from this test we found through Dokodemo/Sunny's about page reminded us of our old personality test result collections so we thought we'd put it here.

Typing Stats
Words Per Minute (WPM): 122
Characters Per Minute (CPM): 608
Fastest Finger: Left Pinky
Slowest Finger: Right Ring
Word Accuracy: 97%
Language: English
Letter Casing: Mixed
Keyboard Layout: QWERTY
Test Duration: 30 Seconds
Stats From PAT or JK's Typing Speed Test



Some short stories. Here are some Gemini links.